Shades / Ultimate
Number of Items: 2/888
MINT price: 2.99 sol*
Whitelist Mint: June 21th / 3 PM UTC
Public Mint: June 21th / 5 PM UTC
* price per piece for the entire Shades collection which will be minted randomly
- EXIT INFINITE EXPERIENCE bracelets on spot EXIT 2k22
- Meet-and-Greet with Maceo Plex at EXIT 2k22
- EXIT 2k22 Secret parties access
- EXIT 2k22 Dance Arena on stage access for all four days
- VIP entrance without waiting in line
- Interviews, AMAs, Q&As on Discord secret chat group with Maceo Plex
- Special, fast entrance to EXIT 2k22
- 7.5% discount on drinks
- EXIT 2k22 Discord secret chat group
- Access to NFT ZONE at EXIT 2k22
- EXIT merch discount
- Additional event passes
- Priority access to the YouTube link for a live stream of Maceo Plex set at the Dance Arena
- New Maceo Plex song from upcoming album
- New Maceo Plex album
- plus many more things we will include along the way